China’s reflection on the River Plate. A historical overview of indirect contacts between China and the River Plate region in a globalized world (17th – 19th centuries). An introduction to the special issue INTERDISCIPLINARY ENCOUNTERS BETWEEN CHINA AND ARGENTINA

Ana Hosne


This introductory study to the special issue Interdisciplinary Encounters between China and Argentina proposes a historical analysis of indirect contacts between China and modern Argentina, especially the River Plate region, from the early seventeenth century to the late nineteenth century, when a burgeoning Chinese immigration to Argentina was recorded in national censuses. The analysis of indirect contacts between these two parts of the world is divided into three historical periods. The first focuses on cartographic and geographical works elaborated by Jesuit missionaries on Chinese soil in the early seventeenth century, providing geographical information as well as descriptions of local populations in America. The second period examines representations of China in the River Plate region under the influence of Enlightenment thinkers and their ideas. The third period, between mid and late nineteenth century, is marked by the absence of these indirect contacts. However, the closeness of Great Britain as regards both China and modern Argentina respectively, encouraged "globalizing" views by certain intellectuals and essayists in the first half of the twentieth century who retrospectively connected these parts of the world. Lastly, this introduction showcases the academic articles gathered in this special issue


China, River Plate region, indirect contacts .



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