Text and image: friendship, moral persuasion and life philosophy in “Reminiscence of Nanjing” (1707) by Shi Tao and “Nothing is comparable to a true friend” (1701) by Otto Vaenius and Antonio Brum

Rongqiao Wu


Text and image constitute two main signs of communication in contemporary visual culture, the Latin expression ut pictura poesis is currently gaining vitality and becoming an important issue in comparative literature and art studies. This paper attempts to investigate the interactions between text and image based on a comparative analysis of an album leaf (1707) by Shi Tao (1641-1707), one of the most influential and representative painters of the early Qing dynasty, and an emblem (1701) created by Otto Vaenius (1556-1629), an internationally renowned painter and engraver in the Baroque era, and Antonio Brum (1603-1668), a Spanish poet and literatus. With this aim in mind, we use semiotics, socio-cultural analysis and the framing theory developed by William Gamson and Kathryn Lasch as analytical tools. By applying this conceptual network to the two heterogeneous corpora, we can observe the representational capacities of the two artistic languages and the concrete interactive forms between them to describe the same artistic theme, as well as the analogies and differences between the corpora in representing the leitmotiv of friendship and virtues.


text and image, emblem literature, literati painting.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62174/psocial.8017


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