COVID-19 in Argentina: Its social representation in three pandemic times

Fernanda Sosa, Matias Bucosky Yolde, Cynthia Maria Torres Stockl


Social representations (SR) refer to the social and historically constructed knowledge in which the meaning of things, people and their actions is configured. Studies focused on SR describe the processes of creating meaning by which various groups interpret novel events, such as catastrophes or new diseases, that clearly question their visions of the world (Vala & Castro, 2017). The aim of this work is to analyze the representations that arise around the representational object "COVID-19" in three different times of the pandemic during 2020 and 2021. The data was collected through the internet using a self-administered questionnaire. A descriptive correlational study of differences between groups of non-experimental longitudinal design was carried out, the intentional non-probabilistic sample was composed of 685 participants (63.2% are women, 35.9% men, 0.9% other, mean age 39.10, SD = 16.27 Min.= 19, Max.=89). The results show that the memories of isolation, disease and pandemic are found transversally in the nuclear memories of all the SRs of the different moments, but they were diminishing to give rise to memories such as viruses and suffering. In terms of SR processes, it was possible to see how personalization is situated in the three times, in terms of heroes and villains of the pandemic


social representations, covid-19, objectification, anchoring



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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