Propiedades Psicométricas de una Escala de Bienestar Subjetivo (BMSLSS) En Primera Infancia

Fernanda Cancino-Norambuena, Andres Rubio, Laura Gutiérrez, Javier Ríos Peñafiel, Juan Carlos Oyanede, Felipe Díaz


This article analyzes the psychometric properties of a measure of subjective wellbeing in childhood, the Brief Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS), in Chilean early childhood. The instrument measures subjective well-being through student satisfaction with their lives based on five items: family, friends, school, body and neighborhood. The scale was applied to 1854 students from six to eight years belonging to all regions of the country through self-report questionnaires (average age of 7.35 years (SD = 0.66), 46.9% girls). The item-item and item-total score correlation showed an adequate level of association between the variables (Pearson's coefficient from 0.56 to 0.69). The confirmatory factor analysis, carried out through structural equations models, showed good levels of adjustment, confirming the monofactorial structure of the scale, while the reliability was acceptable (ordinal alpha = .66). The research bases the use of this scale in this context, thus contributing with means to measure well-being in earlchildhood, in a field that currently has little development. The discussion focuses on the importance of the development of this type of instruments, which allow considering the subjective perception of boys and girls about their lives, making them active agents in the process of social construction.


subjective well-being, early childhood, quality of life, psychometric properties, BMSLSS.



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