Subjective Well-being in contexts of inequality and social defeat in young university students from Chile and Ecuador

Loreto Villagrán, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Yanet Quijada


Macroeconomic studies show that countries withgreater social inequality have worse indicators of mental healthand well-being; however, other intervening mechanisms are notentirely clear. Recent research has proposed that the perceptionof social defeat is a key variable in understanding the impacts ofinequalities. The aim of this study was to explore the predictiverole of social defeat in the subjective well-being of universitystudents from Latin American countries that exhibit levels ofsocial inequality. The participants were 347 university studentsfrom Chile and 246 from Ecuador, in whom the perceptionof social defeat, fatalism, social participation, social well-being,and subjective well-being were evaluated. The results of theregression model show that the prediction of subjective well-being improves when including the dimensions of social defeatin the model (r2 = .38) Social defeat is proposed as a variablethat helps to understand how a context of social inequality canimpact the perceived well-being of young university students.


social defeat; social inequality; social well-being; subjective well-being; mental health



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