Education and social determinism: some reflections about the concept of Intergenerational Educational Mobility

David Naranjo Douglas, Rodrigo Torres, Andrés Rubio


Intergenerational educational mobility, understood as the association of the educational level attained by parents in relation to the educational level attained by their children, is a concept that has gained relevance in social research in recent times. Different studies have used it to characterize the expansion processes of contemporary educational systems, as well as to understand the evolution of the phenomenon of educational inequality. However, it has been used mostly as an indicator within the analysis. In this article we propose a reflection on the concept of intergenerational educational mobility as a theoretical-sociological concept that allows us to reflect on the processes of social determinism, along the lines of works that extend concepts such as habitus. To achieve this purpose, this article is developed as follows. First, the concept of intergenerational educational mobility and its influence as an indicator of equality and a referent of social mobility is presented. Secondly, this social mobility is related to the concepts of habitus and academic field, in addition to highlighting the trajectories that break with the scheme of social reproduction; the socalled sociological miracle. irdly, we examine the elements of acculturation and assimilation that are set in motion in the process of migration and social mobility. Finally, we present the relationship between the various facilitating and hindering factors with the concepts discussed.


Intergenerational educational mobility, social reproduction, acculturation, social migration, higher education.



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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