Use of social networks, orientation towards social dominance and prejudice towards immigrants.

Fernando Gallegos Piderit, Marcelo Flores Pizarro


This study examines the relationships between different kinds of social media use, social dominance orientation and subtle and blatant prejudice towards immigrants. We used a non-random sample of argentines living in either the Autonomous City or the Province of Buenos Aires (n = 134) to conduct correlation and regression analyses to test for associations between the study variables. e results show that there is a positive association between social dominance orientation and prejudice towards immigrants (r = 0.39,p<0.001) and a negative association between social media addiction and opposition to equality (r=-0.30,p<0.05). We found no significant correlations between the social media use variables and prejudice towards immigrants. Multiple linear regression analysis results show that social dominance orientation is the only statistically significant factor that predicts prejudice among the study variables.


prejudice; social dominance orientation; social media; social networking sites; immigrants; social networks



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