Links among Ambivalent sexism, Gender Role Ideology and domestic and care work in Argentinian households

Danila Lorena Borro


The present empirical study inquires on the relations among sexism, gender role ideology and domestic and care work in heterosexual women who share a home with their couples and at least one child, in CABA and GBA (Argentina) in 2019. Two previously existent (Moya, Expósito & Padilla, 2006; Glick & Fiske, 1996) and validated in Argentina scales were used, and a new scale for measuring domestic and care activities was created. A correlational and transversal study with a quantitative approach was carried out, and the data was recollected through an auto-administrated evaluation instrument sent by Facebook and Whatsapp social media. The sample includes 437 cases. Regarding the constructed scale, reliability, exploratory and confirmatory analysis were performed. Additionally, a moderate positive correlation among the dependent and independent variables was identified. It is possible to suggest that the hypothesis presented in this study is partially corroborated, that is, that the domestic and care work type of division is explained by the level of adhesion to the Gender Role Ideology.


Ambivalent sexism; Gender Role Ideology; domestic work; care work; heterosexual couples

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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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