Complicated grief and its relationship with resilience and hope in practicing religious

Alejandro Parra, Fernanda Reyes


The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of complicated grief, resilience and hope in religious practitioners (Evangelists and Buddhists) and a group of non-religious (“control”). Three samples of Buddhist (N = 50), Evangelist (N = 50) as a religious group and a group of non-religious believers (N = 100) were recruited. All of them completed three scales, the Complicated Grief Inventory, Resilience Scale and the Hertz Hope Scale of. The results indicated that Buddhists show less difficulty in mourning compared to evangelists, and less conflictive mourning compared to the non-religious group (control). Another characteristic associated with spiritual practices is that Buddhists showed greater resilience, confirming that spiritual and/or religious practices can contribute to psychological “shielding” against mourning situations, reinforcing beliefs in a life after death or in feelings of spiritual accompaniment on the part of the deceased. They also showed more positive feelings, like hope. Regarding the relationships between grief, hope and resilience, it was observed that the control group (non-religious) showed greater capacity for resilience and hope. This may explain why non-religious believers experience a perception of non-religious spirituality positively related to their resilience and feelings of confidence in the future (hope), although not necessarily associated with the loss of a loved one.


Complicated grief; Resilience; Buddhism; Religiosity; Spirituality; Hope



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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