Devenir ‘escuela all in one’: problematización, críticas y fugas en una institución de nivel secundario del conurbano bonaerense
Palabras claves: escuela secundaria - problematización- critica- espacios - prácticas
Becoming 'all in one school': problematization, criticism and leaks in a secondary level institution in the Buenos Aires suburbs
This article describes and characterizes the process of problematization (Foucault, 1999) and criticism (Butler, 2008, 2009; Foucault, 2018) undertaken by students, teachers and administrators in a state secondary school in the Buenos Aires suburbs whose focus is on the daily experiences of the school space. To do this, we characterized the practices (Foucault, 1979, 1999) that the subjects were deploying in the framework of a university extension and research workshop whose final product was an audiovisual short. In these meetings-workshops, they elaborated different multisensory field materials (Grinberg, 2020) where they were saying, thinking and doing and, at the same time, pointing out the absurdities, contradictions and tensions with which schooling is daily done and lived, from its different roles. The results express the affirmation of students, teachers and administrators as political subjects committed to the possibilities of generating other conditions, confronting the daily effects that policies produce on the school space.
Keywords: secondary school - problematization - criticism - spaces - practices
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Copyright (c) 2024 Elías Gonzalo Aguirre, Eduardo Daniel Langer