Citizenship culture and collective efficacy; psychometric properties and relationships with crime and demographic factors in Mexican university students
Levels of Citizenship Culture (CC) and Collective Efficacy (CE) were measured in three Mexican cities. Participants were 1007 university students from Chihuahua, Guadalajara, and Puebla, with a mean age of 19.7 years, who were mostly women (65.1%). CC and CE scales showed high internal reliability and factor solutions relevant for the theories of each construct. CC and CE showed significant direct correlations (0.237, . <.001). Relationships were also found between these variables and socioeconomic status, age, and sex. Moreover, the inverse and significant relation between CC and CE with victimization and criminality was confirmed. The city with the lower CC and CE was Chihuahua, which, in turn, displayed the highest victimization and crime rates. Given that the subjects in this study were university students, results should be interpreted with caution as regards their external validation. However, these findings suggest the usefulness of these scales for performing diagnoses, formulating policies, and assessing actions and programs focused towards reducing violence and insecurity by strengthening solidarity, norm compliance, and citizen participation, which may contribute to the promotion of peace.
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