Forgiveness, reconciliation, and justice from the perspective of family members of victims of violence in Mexico

Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Verónica Molina-Coloma, Misha Vivian Hernández-Bustos, Anderson Mathias Dias Santos


In Mexico, violence and insecurity have been established as two social problems that concern and affect the daily life of society. In view of this situation, the current Mexican government has proposed that the country undergo a process of pacification. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the understanding and disposition that victims of violence have regarding forgiveness, reconciliation, and justice. A sample of 42 individuals from the states of Sinaloa and Coahuila with a mean age of 34.67 years (SD= 11.58) participated in this research. The results of this study indicated that participants presented an ambiguous discourse on forgiveness and reconciliation, which was mediated by justice. Although there may be a certain willingness to forgive and reconcile, the latter should be accompanied by a process of retributive justice in which the aggressor is punished for the offense committed. In sum, it is also important to emphasize that the participants understand forgiveness and reconciliation as two different processes. However, they also point out that it is necessary for both to be present in order to think about initiating a process of pacification and reconstruction of the social fabric.




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