Racial discrimination: how do college students evaluate and explain aggression when the victim is either black or white?

Elza Maria Techio, Yuri Sá Oliveira Sousa, Jéssica Alencar


The existence and perpetuation of social unfair actions and discrimination in a democratic context occurs, as well, due to its legitimation and acceptance by individuals and groups that form such social system, even though said action being incompatible with equalitarian and humanitarian values. In Brazil, police violence presents itself as one of the phenomena that expresses characteristics of structural racism, according to researches and reports of public security. In this context, studying the manners of how college students evaluate situations of police violence, taking into consideration the racial categorization of the target, can be valuable to better comprehend the psychosocial processes which accompany the continuity of social prejudice and racism. The present study has proposed to analyze the degree of tolerance of police violence against members of a social minority (people of color) and the justifications given by college students as an expression of racial discrimination. The study counted with 375 participants and used a questionnaire that presented a fictional situation of police violence, in which the racial physiognomy (a young white or black person) was manipulated. In this article, it was examined the connection between the skin color of the target that suffered under police violence, the level of endorsement given to the use of physical strength during the approach, as well as the reasons given to justify the stance chosen. The results exhibited a low tolerance towards police violence, and great disagreement about the usage of physical force during police operations when the target was a young black individual. Broadly, the arguments indicated an attempt to relativize the existence of prejudice and racism, suggesting “anti-prejudice” guidelines that uphold discrimination, allowing to maintain a pretext to justify the current status quo characterized by social unrighteousness and discrimination


Racial discrimination; , justification; racism; police violence

Full Text:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.62174/psocial.8856


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