Psychosocial aspects, digital platforms and coping with cyberbullying: views on a phenomenon of contemporary violence

Jose Carlos Santos Ribeiro, Mariana Matos Nascimento Oliveira


Cyberbullying can be understood as a type of psychosocial violence that is characterized by the sending or the sharing of messages in digital environments with aggressive, threatening and provocative content, whose intention is to humiliate or harm others who are unable to defend themselves, and which persists for a certain period of time. Usually it involves aggressor, victim and bystanders. In general, the practice of cyberbullying is established by three crucial factors: repetition, prejudice and inequality of power. Having these points as references, this article proposes to identify and discuss issues related to the phenomenon, starting from the historical, cultural, psychosocial, technical and contextual landmarks associated with the Brazilian experience. It is understood that there is a need to look at this type of violence taking into account the different spheres and dimensions that compose it. Therefore, it was perceived that the characteristics of digital environments, such as the ease of replicating, searching or making certain content persistent, in addition to the difficulty of controlling access to it, are propitious conditions for the exercise and maintenance of the practice of cyberbullying. However, studies show that strategies for coping with this practice are more effective when considering these same particularities to combat its negative effects. In this sense, it is perceived that the means to deal with this phenomenon are more assertive when they integrate individual, technological, contextual and psychosocial factors.




Cyberbullying. Psychosocial Aspects. Digital Environments. Bullying. Social Psychology.

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