Linguistic policies for Overseas Chinese migrants. An analysis of Putonghua learning textbooks in the City of Buenos Aires

María Florencia Sartori


This article examines a series of textbooks for the teaching of Putonghua, designed to facilitate the learning of the Chinese language among descendants of migrants in Argentina. They were developed by the Chinese State through the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (OCAO) and the Chinese Embassy in Argentina, as part of their trans-state language policies. During 2015 and 2016 I conducted surveys in two "Chinese schools" in the City of Buenos Aires. One of the materials they use is the Zhongwen textbook series. In this research, I focus on the analysis of these textbooks, which will shed light, on the one hand, on the ideologies regarding language and language learners and, on the other hand, on how these teaching materials seek to shape a homogeneous “model of overseas Chinese migrant”, thus erasing the differences with migrants of Chinese origin living in other parts of the world.


Overseas Chinese migrants, Textbooks, Language policies



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

ISSN 2422-619X. Semiannual publication (January-June and July-December).
Design: Mae Bermudez

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