Correlation among Couple Satisfaction, Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Fear of COVID-19 in a Sample of Chileans

Jonathan Martínez-Líbano, Laura Perez Perez, María Mercedes Yeomans


Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a complex disease that has affected millions worldwide, with more than four and a half million deaths. It is undoubtedly the most complex pandemic experienced by modern humanity, generating harmful consequences at all levels of human life, directly affecting individuals, families, and couples. Based on the above, this research proposed the following research question: What are the levels and correlation among Couple Satisfaction, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Fear of COVID-19 in people in couple relationships in Chile during the COVID-19 pandemic? The present research methodology corresponds to a descriptive correlational type of non-experimental nature with a cross-sectional design. The sample was composed of 1,109 people—78.3% female, 21.5% male, and 0.3% non-binary—who were in a couple's relationship at the time of answering the questionnaires. At a descriptive level, the COVID-19 pandemic affected more the female gender, those who did not live with their partners, and those who did not have children. They presented higher rates of depression, anxiety, and stress. Concerning correlations, partner satisfaction had a significant and negative correlation with fear of COVID-19 (-.322; -.329), depression (-.244; -.246), anxiety (-.173; -1.53), and stress (-204; -1.88). From these results, we can conclude that being in a couple during the COVID-19 pandemic was a protective factor for mental health. These results should draw the attention of national authorities to realize possible strategies for preventing mental health problems in individuals and couples in the country.


Couple Satisfaction, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Fear of COVID-19.

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