Knowledge about HIV-AIDS in the general population of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and its relationship with sociodemographic variables

María Florencia Contigiani, Jorge Mario López Sánchez, Micaela Laurito, Albano Vergara, Nancy Lugo, Lucas Cuenya


Stigmatization has marked the HIV pandemic, and has impacted negatively on the health of people living with HIV and overall population since fear may discourage regular testing and early detection. One of the main components that sustain stigmatization is the scarce knowledge about HIV-AIDS. The aim of this research is to analyze the level of knowledge about HIV-AIDS among the young and adult population dwelling in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and its correlate with sociodemographic variables. 201 participants aged 18 through 60 years old were surveyed in a quota sampling design. The sample representativeness was preserved in relation to sex, age, education, and socioeconomic level. The results revealed that participants have a scarce knowledge about the difference between HIV and AIDS, PrEP, PEP, and the virus non-transmissibility through sexual intercourse with people with undetectable viral load. On the contrary, it was observed greater knowledge about the transmission routes of the virus. Gender and age were not associated with different levels of knowledge, while participants’ religion, formal education level, and socioeconomic level are associated with lower percentages of knowledge in the different variables surveyed. These results emphasize the need to fully implement the prerogatives of the Act N°26.150 Comprehensive Sex Education - Argentina, regarding access to updated information on sexuality and prevention of sexually transmitted infections.


HIV, aids, knowledge, stigma, CABA.



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