Individual and society. A study of subjectivity in Mauricio Macri's discursive ideology

Micaela Ciardiello, Gaston Becerra


In this work we propose to elucidate the political ideology of the speech of the former President of the Argentine Nation Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), from a mixed methodology that combines interpretive analysis and statistical and computational techniques of textual analysis. We are particularly interested in advancing on two questions: what is his conception of the political subject? And on what worldview of society is it based on? e results suggest a conception of the subject defined in terms of proactive and entrepreneurial potentialities that need to be deployed to achieve fulfillment and personal well-being. en, that the sum of these potentialities and capacities define the social and society, as if it were an extension of the individual, without its own logic and without a dynamic that exceeds that of individual will. In this way, no other limit or constraint to action seems to be recognized other than those that come from motivation, which is why politics adopts the rhetoric of self-help and "coaching". In theoretical terms, this conception of subjectivity and society is in line with some recent sociological perspectives that propose moving away from categories such as society, socialization, institution and the State, proposing to focus on the individual and action


political ideology; individual; subjectivity; society; Mauricio Macri.



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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