123PSOCIAL2422-619XUniversidad de Buenos AiresArgentinapsocial@sociales.uba.ar1232225015Sin secciónEditorialSchmittAmberambersch@usc.eduWarterCharlescwarter@wi.eduUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaEstados UnidosThe Wright InstituteThe Wright InstituteEstados UnidosJanuary-June202171350106202105062021Editorial announcements
The first number of the seventh volume of Psocial takes place in the second year after the Covid -19 outbreak, which is a difficult time for us all. However, despite multiple obstacles, the editorial team of this journal kept their efforts to improve its academic excellence. Since the last volume, Cabells completed their review Psocial and has determined that it does meet their selection criteria and will be included in their psychology directory.
We are also pleased to inform you that the editorial team continues to grow. On this occasion, Juan Carlos Oyanedel (Universidad Andrés Bello) and Agustín Espinosa (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) join our International Scientific Committee. Both are distinguished authorities in Social Psychology, which gives us great confidence that their inclusion will lead to growth for this journal.
We also welcome Iván Federico Basewicz Rojana (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata), Juan Ignacio Irurzún Nacinovich (Universidad de Flores) and Alejandro Ismael Vera (Universidad de Flores) as Editorial Assistants.
Finally, in this number we want to thank our Layout Team Maria Noel Bleuer (Universidad de Flores), Elizabeth Lorena D'Anteo (Universidad de Flores), Diego Fernando García (Universidad de Flores), Diego Montaño, (Universidad de Flores), María Celeste Rodriguez (Universidad de Flores) and Julieta Serrano (Universidad de Flores) for their hard work on the edition of this issue.
Articles included in this dossier
In collaboration with this journal as topic editors, we brought together a selected group of international experts to contribute to an open-access article collection on "advances in psychological research." Insights on a broad spectrum of themes were welcomed, including but not restricted to Social Psychology, such as the links among ambivalent sexism, gender role ideology, and domestic and care work in Argentinian households (Borro, 2021), relationships between ideology, sexism, and beliefs about sexual violence in Peruvian university students and the future police officers (Llanco Gonzales et al., 2021), the associations between disclosure attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in recovery from problematic alcohol use (Kiefer Cowie & Emily Diamond, 2021) the Experience of being Jewish regarding living with Antisemitism (Kosdon et al., 2021), social support on Facebook, self Esteem and self Transcendence within the five-factor model of personality (Warter et al., 2021), the cutoff value of fit indices in confirmatory factor analysis (Muiños, 2021), the relationships between the use of social networks and prejudice towards immigrants (Piedrit & Pizarro, 2021) and the learning and social desirability in teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder (Ragonessi et al., 2021).
We hope that all these articles contribute to expanding the knowledge on social psychology within our global context.
ReferencesBorro, D. (2021). Links among Ambivalent sexism, Gender Role Ideology and domestic and care work in Argentinian households. Psocial, 7(1), 5-15.DBorro Links among Ambivalent sexism, Gender Role Ideology and domestic and care work in Argentinian householdsPsocial, 7(1)2021Gonzalez et al., (2021). Ideology, sexism and beliefs about sexual violence in Peruvian university students and future police officers. Psocial, 7(1), 16-32.Llanco GonzalesGoicochea InumaUrcia ErazoCaballero NolteArce-SaavedraBorja ChávezLa Villa PeñaMeráz TorresEspinosa PezziaIdeology, sexism and beliefs about sexual violence in Peruvian university students and future police officers.Psocial, 7(1)2021Cowie & Diamond (2021). Disclosure Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors in Recovery from Problematic Alcohol Use: A US Sample. Psocial, 7(1), 33-43.CowieDiamondDisclosure Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors in Recovery from Problematic Alcohol Use: A US SamplePsocial, 7(1)2021Kosdon et al.(2021). The Experience of Being Jewish: Living with Antisemitism. Psocial, 7(1), 44-50KosdonKellerBerryStiverWhitefordO'ConnorThe Experience of Being Jewish: Living with AntisemitismPsocial, 7(1)2021Piedrit & Pizzarro (2021). Relación entre el uso de redes sociales y el prejuicio hacia los inmigrantes. Psocial, 7(1), 72-84.PiedritPizarroRelación entre el uso de redes sociales y el prejuicio hacia los inmigrantesPsocial, 7(1)2021Warter et al. (2021). Social Support on Facebook, Self Esteem and Self Transcendence within The Five Factor Model of Personality. Psocial, 7(1).WarterFernández LopesVaradaSocial Support on Facebook, Self Esteem and Self Transcendence within The Five Factor Model of PersonalityPsocial, 7(1)2021Jordan Muiños, F. (2021). Valor de corte de los índices de ajuste en el análisis factorial confirmatorio. Psocial, 7(1), 66-71.Jordan Muiños Valor de corte de los índices de ajuste en el análisis factorial confirmatorio.Psocial, 7(1).2021Raggonessi et al., (2021). Inclusión educativa, aprendizaje y deseabilidad social en docentes de niños con trastorno del espectro autista de la CABA. Psocial, 7(1), 85-95.RagonesiBrunoPérez Lugones Inclusión educativa, aprendizaje y deseabilidad social en docentes de niños con trastorno del espectro autista de la CABAPsocial, 7(1)2021
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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
ISSN 2422-619X. Semiannual publication (January-June and July-December).
Design: Mae Bermudez
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