Evidence of Validity of the The Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S ) in the argentinian context
The Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) is one of the most widely psychometric instruments used for assessing the fear of COVID-19 in the international context. The present study aims to analyze the evidence of validity based on the internal structure, in relation to other variables and reliability of the FCV-19S among a sample of 223 adults from Argentina aged between 21 and 85 years (M = 50.96 years; SD = 16.57) and of both sexes (males = 30.5%; females = 69.5%). Results indicated very good values in terms of its reliability (ω = .94; α = .93). The confirmatory factor analysis yields adequate values in terms of the validity criteria based on the internal structure of the scale, providing empirical support for a unidimensional model. Likewise, the associations between the FCV-19S and the Brief Fear of Death Scale provide evidence of validity related to other variables. The study demonstrates that the FCV-19S is a valid and reliable instrument to interpret the fear of COVID-19 in the local context, although future studies should continue to investigate its psychometric properties.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62174/psocial.6325
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