Contributions of Centrality of Events and Personality to the relationship between Traumatic Events and Mental Disorders

Mercedes Olivera, Gisela Matrángelo, Cecilia Yaccarini, Daniel Travis


t present, numerous studies research the integration of traumatic events to one´s identity, as well as their relationship with the development of mental disorders. Also, several investigations link this connection with centrality of events and with personality traits from the five-factor model. The aim of the present article is to conduct a literature review about explanations that underlie these theorized and empirically evidenced associations. The results of the review show that two of the events most frequently referred to as traumatic are the loss of a loved one and the experience of child maltreatment. At the same time, these are related to the subsequent development of complex bereavement and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) respectively. Both centrality of events and personality traits have been shown to influence the development of mental disorders.


traumatic events, centrality of traumatic events, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex bereavement, personality.

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