The psychobiological model of personality and attachment styles in adults from Buenos Aires

Lucas Gerardo Giaquinto, Carolina De Grandis, Lucas Gago-Galvagno


The objective of this work was to analyze the relationships between attachment styles and the dimensions of the Psychobiological model of personality and to compare with sociodemographic variables, in a sample of 300 adults from CABA (38%) and GBA (62%) aged 18 to 71 years. Attachment was measured by the Scale of Attachment Styles in Romantic and Non-Romantic ties by Casullo and Fernández Liporace (2005), the personality from the Eysenck inventory in its Argentine validation, EPQ-RA, by Squillace, Janeiro and Schmidt (2013). Among the main results obtained it was evidenced that: attachment styles were positively correlated with neuroticism; secure attachment was negatively correlated with extraversion. There was also a higher incidence of neuroticism, avoidant romantic attachment, and anxious non-romantic attachment in people undergoing psychological treatment. It is concluded that these links support the hypothesis that attachment styles and personality dimensions are related since they share analogous biological bases, as is the case with neuroticism, and that people who perform psychotherapy could present a predominance of attachment styles avoidant or anxious attachment.


Attachment styles; Neuroticism; Extraversion; Psychoticism



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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