Resilience, Spirituality and Purpose of Life. A review of the state of the art

Juan Ignacio Irurzun, Cecilia Yaccarini


Currently, different authors have suggested that the concept of Resilience is associated with spirituality, so that those who consider themselves spiritual may have resilient characteristics (Poseck, Baquero & Jiménez, 2006; Girard, 2007). Likewise, individuals who see in their life a possibility of transcending it, giving meaning to their life with a materializable purpose, improve they have stronger tools to face life stress situations, which can be an attentive to the survival of life. However, there are few works that propose to carry out a systematic review of the literature in relation to the link between both constructs. For this reason, the present work sets out to carry out a bibliographic search in databases - SCIELO, LATINDEX, among others - in order to critically review the empirical findings reported by the different studies. It is concluded that, although the number of jobs in the area has increased in recent years, a greater number of investigations is still required, particularly in the Latin American context.


Resilience, Spirituality and Purpose of Life



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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