On the Obedience of Argentinian Immigrants in Israel: An Exploration of Right-Wing Authoriatianism, Social Dominance Orientation, Economic System Justification, Personality and Positive Affect

Ian Michel Link, Ofelia Tenenbaum, Dorin Haya Yosef


Israel was constituted as a State in parallel to the warlike conflict with the Arab world, and became the favorite destination for Jews from all over the globe. We will take Argentine immigrants, the largest Latin American contributor in this area, to explore obedience to authority, represented in obedience to the laws. The sample was composed of 204 participants between the ages of 20 to 79 years of both sexes (Men = 52.5%; Women = 47.5%). The results show that obedience to the laws is mainly explained by "Justification of the economic system" directly. Secondarily, significant results were given by “Positive affect” and “Negative affect”. Although there are also other results to highlight, for example, RWA influences the belief that it is necessary to obey the laws, although later it does not explain effective obedience. This study aims to explore the connection between obedience and authority, represented in adherence to the laws, within the migratory logic.


Migration, Argentina, Israel, obedience, social dominance (SDO), authoritarianism (RWA), justification of the economic system (ESJ), personality, positive affect (APOS), fear

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.62174/psocial.5581


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