Perception of Threat in Argentinian Immigrants to Israel: Personality, Out-Group Exposure, Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism

Safaa Abu Salok, Daniella Dahan, Emiliano Axelirud, Jochay Ben Tovim


This study examines the links between exposure to the out-group, personality traits, social dominance theory (SDO), right wing authoritarianism (RWA) and threat perception among Argentinian immigrants in Israel. The sample was composed of 207 Latin American immigrants living in Israel, with ages ranging from 20 to 81 years old (M= 52.06; S.D.= 14.6) across both sexes (Men = 34.8%; Women = 65.2%). The findings reveal a negative correlation between Agreeableness and threat perception, a positive correlation between both RWA, SDO and threat perception while, contrary to expectation, they provided no evidence for a correlation with exposure to the out-group as measured by the time spent in Israel. In future studies, we suggest taking other variables into account when measuring the exposure to the out-group such as the place of residence in Israel since different areas gave different demographic composition, thus affecting the rate and intensity of out- group interactions.


Prejudice, Right Wing Authoritarinism, Social Dominance

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