Origin and globalization of prohibitionism. Some elements for the sociohistorical understanding of the International Regime of Illicit Drugs.

Iván Federico Basewicz Rojana


In this article I intend to develop a contribution to the discussion around (in) security, in particular, illicit drug trafficking. To do this, I make a characterization of the current situation at the global and local level, as well as a historical description of the development of prohibitionism. The implemented methodology is the content analysis of critical bibliography and statistical analysis and reports from official organizations, both local and international, that deal with the subject. In this way, I seek to demonstrate the uselessness of the prohibitionist paradigm, which, without a doubt, has been outdated for contemporary problems. Also, trying to contribute to the debates around the generation of a new scheme of thought according to current demands.


Drug trafficking; Prohibition; Damage reduction

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62174/psocial.3532


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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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