Theoretical introduction to the link between spirituality and politics. Research preview of Jaime Durán Barba's speech

Julia Evangelina Velisone


The first objective of this work is to carry out a theoretical introduction by classic and contemporary authors in relation to the link between the spiritual world and the world of politics. For this I will analyze classical authors, as well as authors of the 20th century and contemporary specialists on the subject. In this sense, I intend to shed light on the theoretical continuities and ruptures in relation to the articulation of the political and spiritual plane, enabling a greater understanding of their evolution along with the complexity of human culture. In line with the above, as a second objective, I intend to account for the aforementioned connection in the present century, particularly in the discourse of Jaime Durán Barba as political consultant to the current Argentine government. In relation to this objective, I will carry out an analysis of the content of the author's latest book: "Politics in the 21st century: art, myth or science" (2017), with the aim of investigating the characterizations of current politics exposed there. Through the objectives set, I seek to study the development of mysticism's own spirituality, as well as the advent of a "New Age" in politics, as spheres articulated in its legitimation and evolution. In this sense, posing new theoretical tools and questions for future research.


spirituality; politics; Jaime Durán Barba



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

ISSN 2422-619X. Semiannual publication (January-June and July-December).
Design: Mae Bermudez

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