Self-esteem and academic achievement

Ezequiel San Martín do Valle


The main objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between self-esteem and academic performance in university students living in Argentina in 2018. The central hypothesis is that there is a high correlation between high self-esteem and good academic performance. For this, an introduction will be made in which the variables to be used will be clarified based on the academic bibliography. Then the sample will be described and the methods used for data collection and analysis will be presented, and then proceed to their analysis. Finally, the conclusions obtained in this work will be presented and a critical approach to the pursuit of self-esteem will be carried out based on the work of Crocker and Park (2004).


Self-esteem, academic achievement



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

ISSN 2422-619X. Semiannual publication (January-June and July-December).
Design: Mae Bermudez

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