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Satisfaction of needs and social model | Tonelli | {PSOCIAL}

Satisfaction of needs and social model

Eduardo Grassetti Tonelli


We present a model (representation) of society as an organization to satisfy human needs, guiding and not determining, descriptive and non-explanatory, which would synthesize the social activities, the structure and culture of society and the consequences of all this, seen as means for your satisfaction. Although some concepts are given about needs in general, the procedure followed is to formulate a list that the reader can complete or expunge. Some classifications of human needs are also exposed. Some considerations are made about the relationship between the satisfaction of needs and the pain-pleasure duality and the concept of happiness. Although the model tries to avoid intricate theoretical questions and opts for a list that includes all the types and hierarchies cited, these distinctions can serve as auxiliary to the analysis. It is pointed out how the diverse cultures classify the needs as admissible or inadmissible or determine the responsible party and the permitted circumstances of their satisfaction. It is argued that many discussions that appear to be on substantive issues should be viewed as discussions of the means of meeting needs. The items that should be taken into account in the analysis are listed. It is maintained that the satisfaction of human needs is the condition for the realization of a happy life (or, to speak with the Constitution, of the well-being-general-well-being). This is a consequence, not a purpose to pursue directly.


Sociología; necesidades, psicología social



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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