O jogo dos lances: preferências de crianças populares no Brasil

Hugo Lovisolo, Armando Cassia


The article narrates the results of a pilot research with
children through “O jogo dos lances” (the game of bets). The
objective of the game, besides having fun, is to be a medium
to describe both the aspirations and the expectations of a
group of students of a low social stratum. The results are
interesting as they aim to the strength of the socialization
regarding the demands and expectations and to the incidence
of the gender dimension in the results. Data indicates that we
are in a world in which the top of the preferences is occupated
by heatlh (girls) and income (boys). Technologies, electronic
games and mobile phones are in the second line in
preferences. Data also indicates that, in a world regulated by
needs and by practical reason, traditional games have lost a
significant amount of their guaranteed demand.

Palabras clave

"jogo dos lances"; childhood, game

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