Remarks on the Governance of Informality

Matthias Schulze-Böing, Klaus Wilhelm West


The aim of this paper is to outline a field of research that will become increasingly important in view of the crisis-ridden development of modern and capitalist societie: informality. In view of the double character of informality as a resource of social order and social development and at the same time as a potential threat to order and security, the question arises as to how governments and social institutions can deal productively and intelligently with the informality factor. In order to conceptualise the absence of formality and the existence of informality, the focus was placed on unskilled workers who were unable to work formally and were forced to work in a simple, low-paid, informal job. In times of economic fluctuations and crises, they were the ones most affected by dismissals and cuts in working hours and salaries, because they had no legal labour protection. 

Palabras clave

informality; social change; crisis

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