Procesos de transición socio política en salud mental en clave biográfica

Mara Mattioni


Resumen: A partir de la sanción de la ley nacional de salud mental en Argentina en el año 2010, las distintas instituciones públicas de todo el país comenzaron a atravesar cambios en el marco del proceso de transición de un paradigma de atención unidisciplinar y hospitalario a uno interdisciplinario y comunitario. Uno de los más significativos resulto ser la inclusión de equipos interdisciplinarios de salud mental en un espacio médico por tradición como son las guardias externas de los hospitales polivalentes. A medida que el tiempo fue transcurriendo, se comenzaron a poner de manifiesto las percepciones de las/os agentes sanitarias/os que conforman las guardias, surgiendo un sinfín de nuevos interrogantes que, inclusive, interpelan su propio marco de referencia, relativizando, de algún modo, los modos de encuentro con los otros e incluso el reencuentro con los propios recorridos.

Summary: As of the sanction of the national mental health law in Argentina in 2010, the different public institutions throughout the country began to undergo changes within the framework of the transition process from a paradigm of unidisciplinary and hospital care to an inter-disciplinary one and community. One of the most significant turned out to be the inclusion of interdisciplinary mental health teams in a traditional medical space such as the external guards of multipurpose hospitals. As time went by, the perceptions of the sanitary agents that make up the guards began to show, a host of new questions arising that, even, question their own frame of ref-erence, relativizing, in some way, the ways of meeting with the others and even the reen-counter with the own routes. This proposal is committed to constructing and analyzing the life history of a pediatrician inserted in the ward of a multipurpose hospital in CABA from the biographical approach; being the main purpose, in terms of Arguello Parra (2012) to show the relationship be-tween the individual trajectory and the social history in which it is inscribed, discovering the complexity of this plot with its intersections from the biographical cartography of the subject of a dialogic mode. Thus, the experiences of the interviewee over time will be displayed based on her narra-tive, understanding that individuality and social condition are not two disconnected strata when thinking about socio-political transition processes.

Key words: Mental health; emergencies; biographical approach.

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