Repensando el concepto de planificación estatal: el caso de la industria nuclear y satelital en Argentina
Palabras claves: Planificación Estatal – Desarrollo económico – Industria Nuclear – Industria Satelital
Rethinking the concept of State planning: the case of nuclear and satellite industries in Argentina
The following article discusses the notion of state development planning based on a comparative analysis of different plans and policies implemented in Argentina in the nuclear and satellite fields. Two fundamental aspects of state planning are highlighted as a result of this analysis. Firstly, it is emphasized that understanding this process solely as an initial act of will expressed in the formulation of plans and policies is inadequate. On the contrary, state planning must be studied as a distinct form of the capitalist planning that emerges within modern capitalism. That is, a dynamic, continuous, and long-term process in which various centers of power (both internal and external to the State itself) compete. Secondly, the planning capacities of the State require analyzing this institution not as a coherent and integrated system, but as a collection of state subunits that may be driven by their own agendas and interests and exhibit asymmetries in their reciprocal relationships. These findings lead to the need to reconsider what it effectively means for a State to engage in planning.
Keywords: State planning – Economic development- Nuclear Industry – Satellite Industry
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