Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Interest in Pursuing a Doctoral Degree among University Students in Chile

Rodrigo Torres, David Naranjo


Intergenerational educational mobility (IEM) is defined as the association between parents' educational level in relation to that of their adult daughters or sons, being one of the primary mechanisms of social mobility in modern societies and an indicator of the degree of equal opportunities within a society. This article analyzes the role of IEM, measured based on the educational level of the head of household, in relation to the interest in attaining a doctoral degree among university students in Chile. Using data from the 9th National Youth Survey, the sample for this study comprises 1,451 students enrolled in a university in Chile, both male and female, from all regions of the country. Through multivariate analysis using binary logistic regressions, the results suggest that the educational level of the head of the household is the main socioeducational predictor of interest in pursuing doctoral studies among university students in Chile. Particularly noteworthy is the strong association between household heads with postgraduate studies and students interested in pursuing doctoral studies. This emphasizes the social differences resulting from the influence of the family's socioeducational background and the academic goals of the students, aspects that characterize the Chilean educational system.


Educación superior; estudiantes universitarios; Doctorado; Desigualdad educativa; Postgrados.



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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