Victimization in childhood and impact on the cognitive process: an explanatory path for revictimization

Larissa Oliveira Ferreira, Daniela Sacramento Zanini


The stress caused by different types of victimization and polyvictimization can affect the development of executive functions in children. Executive functions (EF) are cognitive processes that allow the individual to exercise control and regulate information processing in the face of new demands. The development of EF is related to the development of learning processes, in this sense, studies indicate that the effects of experiencing violence harm EF as well as verbal comprehension, since this is directly related to a more enriched cognitive environment. Thus, the present study intends to evaluate whether the experience of violence, in addition to having a direct impact on the development of EF, also has an indirect effect or is enhanced by its impact on verbal comprehension. 83 children participated in the research and the instruments used were the JVQ, FDT and WISC IV. The analysis of mediation and moderation was performed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the experience of different types of violence in children causes more significant impairments in EF. However, verbal comprehension can be a protective factor for children who are victims of different types of victimization.


Childhood, Victimization, Verbal Comprehension and Executive Functions



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