“Não existe racismo no Brasil”: características e consequências de um fenômeno invisibilizado
In this paper, we aim to discuss social perceptions about the characteristics and consequences of racism in Brazil. To do this, we analyzed 1.000 comments made on the public Facebook page of Leandro Karnal, a well-known professor and writer in Brazil, who promoted a debate on his social media by asking black people to describe how they feel in Brazil, in response to the question: "Is Brazil a racist country?". The analysis, carried out using IRAMUTEQ software, generated four thematic classes: "Reality of racism", "Brazilian racism", "Brazilian government" and "Racism is not mimimi", showing the perception that we live in an extremely racist country, although many still try to make the phenomenon invisible. The responses brought together everyday experiences and violence of the reality of racism in Brazil (suspicion in supermarkets, shopping malls, "jokes" and discrimination in different contexts, such as school and work), experiences shared among the respondents and which express a generational character. In addition, the comments addressed structural racism, both "subtle" and blatant; and the social and political consequences of a government that did not recognize its existence. We therefore discussed the recognition and public debate on racism as the first condition for transforming this social reality.
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PDF (Español (España))DOI: https://doi.org/10.62174/psocial.8268
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