Art, politics and visual culture in China at the beginning of the 20th century: Lu Xun and the initial diffusion of modern woodblock printing (Shanghai, 1927-1932)

Verónica Noelia Flores


In the context of the profound political, social and cultural transformations that took place in China at the beginning of the 20th century, this article analyzes the historical conditions that made possible the renewal of visual culture and the emergence of woodcut as a distinctive expression of a modern and socially engaged graphic art. The aim is to study its revaluation and early diffusion in Shanghai, between 1927 and 1932, through the direct support provided by the writer Lu Xun 魯迅 (1881-1936), from a cosmopolitan perspective and outside the established art institutions and exhibition circuits. Through the survey of a series of translations, publications and exhibitions of foreign woodcut art, this work tries to demonstrate how this early spread meant a recognition of the inherent richness and narrative potential of printed images and their extended native tradition, but also how these influences enabled a reflexive contact with the ways of working, creative procedures, and avant-garde style of other graphic movements outside China.


Historia; Cultura visual; Arte; China



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