The emotions and their relationship with voting in the Peruvian elections of 2021

Dominique Rosales Zanabria, Henry Raúl Guillén Zambrano


The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between emotions and voting behavior in the context of the second round of the Peruvian presidential elections of 2021. Surveys were applied to 206 Peruvians. From a route analysis model, it was identified that the emotions of joy towards Pedro Castillo and guilt and shame towards Keiko Fujimori were associated with greater support for Pedro Castillo's candidacy. In addition, stereotypes of warmth towards Pedro Castillo's voters were also associated with greater support for his candidacy. Moreover, it was identified that emotions of joy towards Pedro Castillo and shame towards Keiko Fujimori were associated with a greater closeness towards Pedro Castillo. In contrast, emotions of joy and interest towards Keiko Fujimori were associated with a greater closeness to her candidacy. Thus, it is evident that emotions play an important role in voting and political behavior, being necessary to take them into account for the full understanding of the electoral contexts


Emotions, Voting behavior, Peruvian elections.



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