Effects of the need for cognitive closure on decision-making styles: an exploratory approach

Emilio Antonio Recart Zapata, Luis Jaume, Manuel Passero, Susana Azzollini


Decisional styles refer to habitual cognitive patterns used by subjects in decision-making tasks when they process the information. Recent research has referred to the role played by the epistemic motivation of the Need for Cognitive Closure in information processing. This influence can generate a biased processing affecting decision making. This is because NCC brings two consequences in information processing. The first one is the Urgency where individuals tend to a generalized search for information generating more hypotheses until the cognitive threshold is exceeded. The second refers to Permanence, where once the threshold is surpassed, the information crystallizes and is extrapolated to other areas. The present exploratorystudy aimed to explore the relationship between the Need for Cognitive Closure and Decision Styles. For this purpose, a sample of 378 individuals residing in the City of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires was taken. The Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure (TR-NCC) and the Decision-Making Styles (DE) scale were used to assess the variables. The resultsindicate that although there is no strong relationship between the two variables, this exploratory approach should be further explored in future research.


Necesidad de Cierre Cognitivo, Estilos decisorios, Urgencia , Permanencia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62174/psocial.7233


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