Levels of Resilience and Perceived Stress in Essential and Non-Essential Personnel during the COVID-19 Quarantine

Milagros Justo, Yesica Silva, Ariadna Davies, Marcela Gracia, Solana Rietti, Maximiliano Preuss


After the declaration of the Argentine Sanitary Emergency by COVID-19, dictated by Decrees 260/2020 and 297/2020 and the subsequent Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation, people were exposed to stress generated due to a unique situation that is conducive to individual and social discomfort. Various investigations of this century (Bonanno, 2004; Cyrulnik and Anaut, 2016; García del Castillo Rodríguez et al., 2016; Preuss, 2016; Valdivia Baca, 2018; Werner and Smith, 2001) increasingly emphasize resilience as one of the key variables to overcome adversity phenomenos. The present investigation, therefore, was anchored in the following basic questions: How is the level of Resilience and Perceived Stress in essential and non-essential personnel during the Covid-19 Pandemic? and How is the relationship between the levels of Resilience and Perceived Stress in the surveyed population? The design adopted in this work was of a quantitative approach, of a non-experimental type, of transversal temporality and with a correlational descriptive scope. The sample consisted of 1,176 people, of which 500 belonged to essential personnel and 676 to non-essential personnel. From the results obtained, a statistically significant relationship was found between Resilience and Perceived Stress. However, no differences were found between the groups compared


Resilience, Perceived stress, pandemic, isolation, essential and non-essential work activity

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62174/%7bpsocial}.v7i2.7205


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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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