Ideology, sexism, and beliefs about sexual violence in Peruvian university students and future police officers

César Andrés Llanco Gonzales, Karen Vanessa Goicochea Inuma, María Cecilia Urcia Erazo, Claudia Angélica Caballero Nolte, Boris Jesús Arce-Saavedra, Jorge Borja Chávez, Renato Camilo La Villa Peña, Yazmín Meráz Torres, Agustín Espinosa Pezzia


e main objective of the present study is to establish a comparison between ideology (RWA and SDO), ambivalent sexism and beliefs about sexual violence, in a sample of Peruvian trainee from a police officer school (n = 81) and university students (n = 196). In addition, as a specific objective, it seeks to explore the relationships between the mentioned variables. e results showed significant differences between the groups at the level of the RWA (Right Wing Authoritarianism) ideological variable and the Subordination of women dimension of the Beliefs about Sexual Violence variable. Likewise, the structural model shows that the variables RWA and SDO (Social Dominance Orientation) have an impact on the dimensions of beliefs about sexual violence: Attribution of blame to women, Subordination of women and Exaggeration of women, having as mediators Benevolent and Hostile Sexism. e results show that beliefs about sexual violence in the sample of this study link to sexism and these, in turn, to ideology; however, the routes in which these beliefs are configured vary between police trainee and university students. Higher levels of RWA are observed in police trainee, an ideological indicator that, in this sample, paradoxically tends to be inversely related to sexism and beliefs about sexual violence against women that blame and subordinate them. Regarding the path of social dominance, this also directly relates to both expressions of benevolent and hostile sexism, although with greater predominance with the second, appealing to sex as a structural element on which this ideological component is established


Ambivalent sexism; Right-wing authoritarianism; Social dominance orientation; Beliefs about sexual violence; Police trainee; University students

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