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Practical criticism and knowledge subjects: from The archeology of knowledge to perspectivism in genealogy | Cano | {PSOCIAL}

Practical criticism and knowledge subjects: from The archeology of knowledge to perspectivism in genealogy

Tomás Baquero Cano


The present work sets out to analyze the notion of "subject of knowledge" used by Foucault at the beginning of the seventies (his so-called genealogical stage) in relation to his last archaeological reflections of the sixties, present in The Archeology of Knowledge . Starting from Foucault's distinction between science and knowledge in this book, the continuities around the notions of subject positioning and practice are analyzed, in order to make a reading of the new conceptualizations around the subjects of situated, concrete and historical knowledge. To do this, the notion of "invention of knowledge" presented by Foucault through Nietzsche is recovered, briefly locating its consequences in relation to his conception of history and the Kantian influence on the notion of subject. By way of closing, the notion of "point of view" is recovered through Deleuze and Benasayag in relation to the idea of subject as a possible way to put Foucaultean elaborations to work in a concrete way about the possibility of the emergence of the novelty of the discursive transformation.


Foucault; sujeto de conocimiento; prácticas sociales; genealogía; punto de vista



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

ISSN 2422-619X. Semiannual publication (January-June and July-December).
Design: Mae Bermudez

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