Resilience, centrality of traumatic events and spirituality within the framework of the five personality factors model

Maximiliano Preuss


Currently the link between resilience and post-traumatic stress symptoms has focused the interest of numerous researchers in psychology. Among the factors that mediate the relationship between the two, different lines have identified personality traits and the centrality of traumatic events. For their part, different studies suggest including spirituality as the sixth factor of the Big Five model. However, these lines of inquiry are not always articulated and integrated with each other. For this reason, the present work sets out to carry out a systematic review of the literature that contributes to integrating the contributions made and clarifying the link between resilience, centrality of traumatic events and spirituality within the framework of the five factors model of the personality from a bibliographic search in the JSTOR, EBSCO and PsycInfo databases. It is concluded that the model and the theory of the five factors could contribute to integrate the contributions of the different lines surveyed. At the same time, the inclusion of spirituality within the FFM could shed light on the proposed problem. Among the obstacles revealed, some drawbacks in the construction of scales that may relieve some of the constructs of interest, especially in the case of spirituality, stand out.


Resilience, Centrality of Events, Personality



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