Psychological perspectives in the study of authoritarianism

Luis Jaume, Marcelo Agustin Roca, Jochay Ben Tovim


Altemeyer (1996), maintains that there have been three important lines of research regarding authoritarianism from a psychological perspective. The first of these was developed by the Berkeley group (Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson & Sanford, 1950), who generated an empirical study around the authoritarian construct, thinking about it from the authoritarian personality construct. While the second line was made by Rokeach (1960), who proposed the concept of dogmatism, in order to evaluate authoritarianism, regardless of ideological position. Finally, the last line is the one proposed by Altemeyer (1981), who thinks of the phenomenon of authoritarianism as an attitudinal conglomerate. Although there are numerous studies on authoritarianism in the Spanish language, none of them has carried out a systematic review on the history of this construct. That is why the objective of this work was to carry out a review on the study of authoritarianism from psychological approaches.


social psychology, authoritarianism



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