Psychological Flexibility and Subjective Well-being in the framework of the Five-Factor Model of Personality and Spirituality: a relationship to be defined

Paola Prozzillo, Mercedes Olivera


Psychological Flexibility as a theoretical construct has been adopting different names in the last five decades, including: resistance to the ego, executive control, modulation of the response and self-regulation (Kashdan & Rottenberg, 2010). The model of psychological flexibility is at the same time a model of psychopathology, a model of psychic health and a model of psychological intervention (Hayes, S. C .; Strosahl, K. D. & Wilson, 2014). It is of special interest to investigate this theoretical variable, specifically in its relationship with Subjective Well-Being and Personality in the framework of the Five Factor Theory, given that their linkage has been scarcely studied at the local level.


Personality; Purpose of life; Resilience



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