Jewish religious confrontation and neuroticism

Shirly Cosman Salem


This study will address the relationship between Jewish Religious Coping and Emotional Stability. There are numerous works on Christian Religious Coping, but hardly any is known on Jewish Religious Coping. Only few studies have been conducted in the United States. The Jewish Religious Coping scale is known by the name of JCOPE and is an adaptation of the RCOPE scale that is usually used to assess Christian Religious Coping. The JCOPE scale has 22 items and suggests that religious coping is a significant predictor of psychological distress among Jews. In relation to the evaluation of Personality, the model of the Five FFM or Big Five Factors will be considered, specifically the Neuroticism factor. The Big Five model has been consolidated from various investigations, and constitutes an empirical generalization of the covariation of personality traits. This model postulates that personality can be conceptualized from five broad dimensions: Neuroticism, Extroversion, Openness to Experience, Kindness and Responsibility (McCrae & Costa, 1997). The present work then sets out to explore the relationships between Jewish religious coping and the FFM.


Coping; religion, Jews; Emotional stability



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