Coping and stress within the framework of the five personality factors model. Review study

Romina Pereyra


This article defines the coping construct, understood as individual differences or general ways of responding to stress, under the parameters of the five personality factors model. It describes the variables that are most closely related to coping styles that generate discomfort until reaching psychopathological conditions or organic diseases, linking it to the personality traits on which this predisposition is based.

The objective is to generate a clear and explanatory position on the personality variables involved in coping problems, which are manifested in axis I symptoms (DSM). This correlation is necessary to point out in clinical practice, when deepening the corresponding treatments for each case, understanding that the behaviors, feelings and thoughts that are manifested, have their correlate in quantitative and qualitative questions of personality variables .


Stress, coping, personality theory, big five



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{PSOCIAL} Journal of Research in Social Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

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