Los “tapa agujeros” del estado. Transformaciones de las experiencias de organización comunitaria en escenarios de desinstitucionalización

Javier Bráncoli


Este trabajo es parte de un proceso de investigación e intervención social desarrollado con organizaciones sociales y comunitarias de base territorial del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Se presenta al cumplirse 20 años de la profunda crisis económica e institucional que atravesó la sociedad argentina y que tuvo como una de sus principales expresiones la emergencia de nuevas formas de acción colectiva. Estos sistemas de prácticas y estructuras organizacionales que se dieron los sectores populares para enfrentar un agudo proceso de empobrecimiento encuentran tradiciones y herencias que los preceden y a las que apelan para lograr nuevas formas de afiliación social. Las organizaciones y movimientos sociales que se hacen visibles en este escenario se configuran en una referencia ineludible para la acción del estado en el territorio, fundamentalmente en espacios suburbanos caracterizados por la pobreza y la segregación.


This work is part of a research and social intervention process developed with territorial-based social and community organizations in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. It is presented on the 20th anniversary of the profound economic and institutional crisis that Argentine society went through and which had as one of its main expressions the emergence of new forms of collective action. These systems of practices and organizational structures that the popular sectors were given to face an acute process of impoverishment find traditions and heritages that precede them and to which they appeal to achieve new forms of social affiliation. The organizations and social movements that become visible in this scenario are configured in an unavoidable reference for the action of the state in the territory, fundamentally in suburban spaces characterized by poverty and segregation. These organizational forms were linked with state action to constitute an articulated system that provides assistance and care in the face of social vulnerability. An effective social and territorial dynamic to provide services to the most unprotected but socially undervalued population. The weakening and decline of modern institutions that tend towards social integration impacts both on the processes of community organization in the territory and on the social subject that is built within the framework of these organizational experiences.

Key words: Community organizations, social policies and territory

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