Self-concept and self-esteem: synonyms or complementary constructs?
Self-concept and self-esteem play a fundamental role in people's lives, since psychological well-being, self-satisfaction, the set of social relationships, among other aspects, bear their mark; therefore, in recent years, the research carried out in the area of social psychology has placed a greater emphasis on these constructs. But, in general, these constructs are used, not only in colloquial language, but also in much of the specialized literature as synonyms, when in reality, although they are closely related, they are different from each other.
Therefore, the following work aims to review the various conceptualizations of self-concept and self-esteem in order to clarify the difference between the two concepts. To this end, the bibliographic sources extracted from different databases and selected as the most relevant, were divided and organized by categories, outlined in the sections on: conceptualization, dimensionality, influence of the social and development of each of the constructs.
Finally, the work is concluded concluding that research is still necessary on the way in which self-concept and self-esteem complement each other to adapt the person to their environment, and thus be able to use them in the service of psychotherapy.
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